The weight is over, nutrition laws to effect lunch snack sales
Student decides on the $1.25 fruit snacks during his 6th period class. The vending machines have been updated to include healthy snacks.
February 6, 2015
The new law that has recently passed regarding the eating habits of students in America has not gone unnoticed. Through the Healthy, Hunger-Free Kids Act championed by the First Lady and signed by President Obama, USDA made the first major changes in school meals in 15 years, which will help raise a healthier generation of children.
The new standards align school meals with the latest nutrition science and the real world circumstances of America’s schools. These responsible reforms do what’s right for children’s health in a way that’s achievable in schools across the Nation.
The new vending machines have students worried about the cost and the quantity of the snack. “I don’t use them because they are too expensive,” Junior Taylor Smith, said.
Sliced apples with caramel or yogurt sauce are $2.25 with only a few slices available. 4 ounce fruit cups are $1.75, mango apple fruit bars are $2.00, and small bags of chips are $1.50. The same chips are available in the cafeteria for 50 cents.
However while most students complain about these vending machines, some students appreciate them. Junior Izu Ike, feels that it is necessary to put in healthy vending machines. “Yes, teenagers need to start eating healthier,” Ike, said.
Although the cafeteria offers up a competitive price, students complain on a daily basis about the quality of the food that is served for breakfast in the morning and for lunch.
“I used to love it last year, but now it is gross,” Junior Taylor Smith said.
The major change in the food is that whole grain has been a substitution in most dishes. Toast, rolls, and even breakfast cinnamon rolls have been substituted with whole grain.
Several teachers that used to sell snacks are not allowed to sell snacks until after school at 3:15 p.m. This makes it hard for students to find food to eat during school and prohibits teachers from making a profit for their club or organization.
“It’s totally put me out of business. It’s actually the new law that has put me out of business and it’s not worth my time to sell healthy snacks because my customers do not want healthy snacks, they want candy, and muffins,” Intro to Business and Marketing teacher Kim Ikeler said.