Marian Patterson

The choirs at Bowie start the year off with on high note. The first concert of the year went by without much error on Thursday, October 15th. In case you missed the concert here’s a peak at what happened.

Marian Patterson

The choir directors(Mr. Lobaugh(left), Mrs. Batsel(right) are so proud of every choir.
The choir directors(Mr. Lobaugh [left], Mrs. Batsel [right]) are so proud of every choir. Each choir sang with passion following the moto for this year, “Sing with passion or not at all.”
Mr. Lobaugh prepping the choirs during rehearsal.
Mr. Lobaugh and Mrs. Batsel worked hard preparing the choirs for the concert.
Volunteer Voices rocked their first concert
Volunteer Voices, acapella group, sang two beautiful songs and blew the audience away with their performance.
Chorale, Varsity choir, did outstanding at the concert on Thursday
Chorale, Varsity choir, was well prepared, full of energy and performed well. , winning many applause.
Evacatus, non varsity boys, were full of energy and ready for the night
Evacatus, non varsity boys, were full of energy and greatly received by the audience.
Chanson, non varsity girls, won the hearts of many at the concert
Chanson, non varsity girls, performed two great songs and won the cheers of the crowd.
Camerada, freshman girls non varsity, sang with passion and strength
Camerada, freshman girls non varsity, sang with passion and strength on their songs and were enjoyed by the audience.