Student Goals

Senior Tariq Otuemhobe was noticed by Principal Bill Manley for his school involvement. On November 5th Tariq Otuemhobe was announced student of the month. “My advise is become a well rounded student. Be strong in academics, involved in school, and involved in the community.” Principal Mr. Manley said.
November 20, 2015
Sitting in Pre Calculus, Tariq Otuemhobe got an unexpected visit from principal Bill Manley. Manley asked to speak to Otuemhobe in the hallway and that was when he received the news.
On November 5th Otuemhobe was asked to attend the board meeting to be recognized as student of the month.
“Winning student of the month was a surprise. I’ve always preached about making an impact on the school and the city as a whole, but my dreams weren’t being heard as much,” Otuemhobe said. “It was an honor for someone to notice and publicize my accomplishments at such a young age.”
Otuemhobe was promoted twice in the past four months at Six Flags over Texas. With his recent promotion as supervisor, it has caused his co-workers to be envious over him because he is so young and is ahead of those older than him.
“Tariq has two strong suits. His first suit is his artistic style and creativity while his second suit is his savvy aspect,” Manley said.
Otuemhobe is involved with student council, SAFA, FCA, and is a young entrepreneur starting his own clothing brand, Eden Apparel, with the help of his business partner Daniel Owoyele.
“It’s an honor and I give all the glory to God and praise Him for this opportunity,” Otuemhobe said. “I know if it wasn’t for him I wouldn’t be where I am today doing the things I do.”