FCCLA: The club for you?

Interview with FCCLA members and more information about the club.

Jaime Alcala

FCCLA President Melissa Lopez and Vice President Stefani Mendez

Jaime Alcala, Online Editor

One of many clubs offered at James Bowie High School and also one of the most hands on is FCCLA. FCCLA is a club offered to all students and is one that is very important and beneficial to the community. I recently got to sit down and talk about the club with the President and Vice President of the club.


Jaime: What is FCCLA?

Melissa: FCCLA stands for Family Career Community Leaders of America.

Stefani: It’s basically an organization that allows students to develop leadership skills through various activities, volunteer work or competition and really helps people come out of their shell.


Jaime: What made you guys join the club?

Melissa: I heard about it from friends and just decided to join.

Stefani: I heard about the club from my friend Leslie and she encouraged me to join and I decided to go to the first meeting. I really liked what it stood for and I started going more, I found a lot of fun activities and various things that I think really helped me come out of my shell. Fall leadership really helped me and so did competition.


Jaime: How did the club get to where it’s at today?

Melissa: Last year, we had new sponsors and not a lot of committed officers but I think this year is really changed because all of us work together about it. We’re exposing FCCLA more this year and also doing more projects that we’ve never done before.

Stefani: We really want to do various projects that we have in mind because they are really important to us and once we show that, people will see that will want to help more.


Jaime: What are some things y’all have planned this year?

Stefani: This year we have various projects planned, such as Spook. We really enjoyed doing Spook because that’s an opportunity for kids to have a safe Halloween trick-or-treating. We also have Fall Leadership and those people are going to learn various skills and activities and chances to learn more about public speaking. Also a Canned Food Drive for Thanksgiving.  

Melissa: We’re also planning a cookie decorating party at Mission Arlington this year, take care of some kids and have fun with them. And since our hashtag this year is #PositiveBowie, we’re trying to spread that around and such.


Jaime: How can someone join FCCLA?

Melissa: By joining the club, you have to go to the meetings and pay your $40 Dues. The due date for that is October 6th. You can pay your dues in Room 608 and fill out an application and that’s how you become a member.


So if anyone is interested in joining FCCLA, make sure to go to ROOM 608 and pick up an application and pay your fee.