What student are doing over the summer.

May 26, 2017
Bowie Vols’ Voice interviewed three people asking about the exciting things they did for the summer and here were their responses.
Imani Hill, A sophomore at Bowie informed me that she’s going to spend most of her time being outside having fun with her best friend or family, she also stated she’s going to work full time to earn money on her own needs but wishes to just have a lot of fun other the summer.
“For the summer, hmm, I’m probably am going to be mostly with my best friends hanging around at her house”, said Imani. “I think I’m also going to be working at my new job I’m trying to currently get, to save up money so hopefully next year I get to travel round,” added Imani. “See new places and just have so much fun.”
Alexa Arguello, also a sophomore informed me as well that she’s traveling to Florida with her family, happily she hopes for the best and getting safe to Florida where she can enjoy her time there for a full two weeks. She also added in that maybe she’ll be working at her job she has currently, still isn’t sure where else she’ll be going but knows she’ll enjoy her summer as usual.
“Since my parents normally travel around a lot we’re going to Florida,” said Alexa. “I’m not sure where by yet, but somewhere in Florida.” Added Alexa. “What excites me more about Florida is the trip there, I get to see beautiful sites and get plenty of sleep I need!”
Siara Andrade our last sophomore informed me about the past fun she had last summer going to see her grandmother, she also stated about her spending time with her boyfriend trying to find out new things to do over the summer, but she’s not really sure what’s in store.
“I’m not really sure on what I’m going to be doing for the summer,” said Siara. “I mostly spend time with my significant other riding around Arlington or trying to find somewhere nice to go, so I think we’ll do what we normally do.” Added Siara. “I really hope I go somewhere interesting this summer like I did last summer when I went to Mexico to see my grandmother, but who knows.”